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Living in Canoas Garden San Jose

Canoas Garden is the 198th most walkable neighborhood in San Jose with 1,587 residents.

Canoas Garden has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Farm Drive, Evans, Almaden-Clare Felice, Thousand Oaks, Willow Glen South-Lincoln Glen, Valley View-Reed and Willow Glen.

Nearby Canoas Garden Apartments on Redfin

46 Walk Score of Canoas Garden, San Jose, CA

Canoas Garden is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Most errands require a car.

Most errands require a car in Canoas Garden San Jose.

Canoas Garden is the 198th most walkable neighborhood in San Jose with a Walk Score of 46.

Find apartments in San Jose's most walkable neighborhoods: St. Leo's, East Virginia and Sunol-Midtown.

Canoas Garden San Jose Apartments for Rent

Canoas Garden Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Canoas Garden to other San Jose neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


196 Eden 46 39 64 2,460
197 Noddin 46 23 45 4,867
198 Canoas Garden 46 40 60 1,587
199 Vermont-McKendrie 45 49 72 658
200 Kooser 45 26 47 3,255

Moving to San Jose from another city?

60 Bike Score of Canoas Garden, San Jose, CA

Canoas Garden is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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