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Living in Santa Ana

Santa Ana has an average Walk Score of 67 with 324,528 residents.

Santa Ana has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Santa Ana neighborhoods are Downtown, Willard and Eastside.

Nearby Santa Ana Apartments on Redfin

67 Walk Score of Santa Ana, CA

Santa Ana is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of MAIN-15TH in Santa Ana


Photo of Dresser St At 15th Street Anaheim Ca in Santa Ana

Dresser St At 15th Street Anaheim Ca

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Santa Ana.

Santa Ana Apartments for Rent

Santa Ana Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 89 50 58 16,655
2 Willard 85 50 61 9,654
3 Eastside 80 47 72 13,024
4 Heninger Park 79 48 62 7,795
5 Flower Park 78 49 67 6,245
6 Cedar Evergreen 74 44 68 1,185
7 Wilshire Square 74 45 59 3,788
8 Madison Park 74 45 71 7,857
9 Bristol Warner 73 39 57 2,814
10 Sunwood Central 72 41 68 3,889
11 Delhi 71 43 73 7,905
12 Washington Square 71 49 62 2,876
13 Artesia Pilar 71 44 66 14,304
14 Santa Anita Park 70 45 70 13,602
15 Bristol Manor 70 43 55 11,365
16 Harbor Boulevard 69 45 58 6,859
17 Casa Bonita 69 43 59 3,687
18 Intercity-RTC 69 50 60 1,599
19 Pico-Lowell 68 47 63 10,688
20 Central City 67 44 63 6,245
21 Tustin Avenue 66 38 45 607
22 South Coast 66 42 67 10,961
23 Southeast Industrial District 64 43 60 14,325
24 New Horizons 63 43 62 5,026
25 West Side 63 43 58 23,533
26 Cabrillo Park 63 34 52 19,785
27 Centennial Park 63 40 57 5,102
28 Shadow Run 61 41 58 1,646
29 Bella Vista 61 43 57 3,829
30 Northwest Santa Ana 60 42 63 13,479
31 Thorton Park 60 37 55 3,190
32 Trask Fairview 57 40 70 6,051
33 MacArthur Place - Hutton Centre 56 42 56 684
34 Armstrong 55 37 62 10,946
35 Saddleback View 54 46 55 1,906
36 Windsor Village 54 45 75 2,953
37 Sandpointe 53 43 65 7,470
38 Windsor Village North 52 45 79 3,846
39 West Grove Valley 52 42 64 974
40 Park Santiago 49 42 53 4,256
41 Laurelhurst 45 38 52 2,348
42 Valley Adams 44 38 53 3,789
43 Morning Sunwood 31 36 50 2,524

thumbnail for MAIN-15THCraftsman style home are few in the mostly apartment complex area

J Emilio Flores
on MAIN-15TH

43 Transit Score of Santa Ana, CA

Santa Ana has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Santa Ana apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Santa Ana has some public transportation and about 25 bus and 2 rail lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Santa Ana on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Santa Ana? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of N Rose St & W Santa Ana Blvd in Santa Ana

N Rose St & W Santa Ana Blvd

Photo of Willard Intermediate School in Santa Ana

Willard Intermediate School

Photo of Citibank in Santa Ana


62 Bike Score of Santa Ana, CA

Santa Ana is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Memorial Park in Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Artist's Village Of Santa Ana in Santa Ana

Artist's Village Of Santa Ana

Photo of Artist's Village Of Santa Ana in Santa Ana

Artist's Village Of Santa Ana

Photo of French Park in Santa Ana

French Park

Photo of Water Tower in Santa Ana

Water Tower

thumbnail for Dresser St At 15th Street Anaheim CaAn Inflatable pool reflects on this mostly low income community of Orange County

J Emilio Flores
on Dresser St At 15th Street Anaheim Ca

Photo of 1618 N Spurgeon Street Anaheim Ca in Santa Ana

1618 N Spurgeon Street Anaheim Ca

Photo of Private Gardens in Santa Ana

Private Gardens

Photo of French Corridor in Santa Ana

French Corridor

Photo of French Corridor in Santa Ana

French Corridor

thumbnail for ProofA step up from your average raucous crowd, the old wood floors have absorbed their fair share of cocktails and memories.

shane yablonka
on Proof

Santa Ana is Talking About...

play money music wake videos song food movie drink school walking coffee sleep yost theater god party beach tired eat car

Santa Ana is all about:

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Photo of Memorial Park in Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Santa Ana

Memorial Park

thumbnail for Memorial ParkPosted in front of the pool area, Memorial Park has hand made signs by the community promoting all the various activities, clubs, and community events to join! #memorialpark

Jason Norcross
on Memorial Park

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