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Living in Bristol Manor Santa Ana

Bristol Manor is the 15th most walkable neighborhood in Santa Ana with 11,365 residents.

Bristol Manor has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Wilshire Square, Sunwood Central, Bristol Warner, Shadow Run, Delhi, Laurelhurst and Madison Park.

Nearby Bristol Manor Apartments on Redfin

70 Walk Score of Bristol Manor, Santa Ana, CA

Bristol Manor is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Bristol Manor Santa Ana.

Bristol Manor is the 15th most walkable neighborhood in Santa Ana with a Walk Score of 70.

Find apartments in Santa Ana's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Willard and Eastside.

Bristol Manor Santa Ana Apartments for Rent

Bristol Manor Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Bristol Manor to other Santa Ana neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


13 Artesia Pilar 71 44 66 14,304
14 Santa Anita Park 70 45 70 13,602
15 Bristol Manor 70 43 55 11,365
16 Harbor Boulevard 69 45 58 6,859
17 Casa Bonita 69 43 59 3,687

thumbnail for Memorial ParkPosted in front of the pool area, Memorial Park has hand made signs by the community promoting all the various activities, clubs, and community events to join! #memorialpark

Jason Norcross
on Memorial Park

43 Transit Score of Bristol Manor, Santa Ana, CA

Bristol Manor has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Bristol Manor Santa Ana apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Bristol Manor has some public transportation and about 5 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Bristol Manor on public transit.

55 Bike Score of Bristol Manor, Santa Ana, CA

Bristol Manor is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

thumbnail for Memorial ParkPerhaps the biggest draw in Memorial Park is their Olympic sized community pool which is open 6 days a week. Adults are 2 dollars and kids are 1 dollar! #memorialpark

Jason Norcross
on Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

Photo of Memorial Park in Bristol Manor, Santa Ana

Memorial Park

thumbnail for Memorial ParkMemorial Park is also equipped with 6 basketball hoops all placed together at the center of the park making up three complete basketball courts! Plenty of room for everyone to play. #memorialpark

Jason Norcross
on Memorial Park

thumbnail for Memorial ParkMemorial Park hosts a variety of events for after school including Chess Club, Karate, Baile Folklorico, Yoga, Reading lessons and more! Make sure to register at the Recreation Center located on the center of the park behind the swimming area! #memorialpark

Jason Norcross
on Memorial Park

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