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Living in Northwest Torrance Torrance

Northwest Torrance is the 15th most walkable neighborhood in Torrance with 21,591 residents.

Northwest Torrance has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Northeast Torrance, Delthome, West Torrance, Madrona, Pacific South Bay, Springwood and Park Plaza.

Nearby Northwest Torrance Apartments on Redfin

64 Walk Score of Northwest Torrance, Torrance, CA

Northwest Torrance is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Neighborhood

Photo of #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Neighborhood

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Northwest Torrance Torrance.

Northwest Torrance is the 15th most walkable neighborhood in Torrance with a Walk Score of 64.

Find apartments in Torrance's most walkable neighborhoods: Olde Torrance, Walteria and Northeast Torrance.

Northwest Torrance Torrance Apartments for Rent

Northwest Torrance Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Northwest Torrance to other Torrance neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


13 Southeast Torrance 65 34 64 10,031
14 West Torrance 65 30 56 6,339
15 Northwest Torrance 64 45 54 21,591
16 Palo del Amo 64 32 64 1,262
17 Southwood 64 40 58 6,767

thumbnail for #Northeast Torrance NeighborhoodThis charming neighborhood is a great place to walk through, so many interesting little details; like this mailbox nailed to the tree!

Rolando Vela
on #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood

45 Transit Score of Northwest Torrance, Torrance, CA

Northwest Torrance has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Northwest Torrance Torrance apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Northwest Torrance has some public transportation and about 8 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Northwest Torrance on public transit.

54 Bike Score of Northwest Torrance, Torrance, CA

Northwest Torrance is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Neighborhood

Photo of #Northeast Torrance Fire department in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Fire department

Photo of #Northeast Torrance Abeja Nursery in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Abeja Nursery

Photo of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy

Photo of #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Neighborhood

Photo of #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Neighborhood

thumbnail for #Northeast Torrance NeighborhoodThis #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood has some extraordinary gardens , this wishing well is so beautiful!

Rolando Vela
on #Northeast Torrance Neighborhood

thumbnail for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu AcademyGracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy is the best place in America to train. The instructors/owners are from the prestigious Gracie clan responsible for igniting the MMA events. The Gracie's also offer the best bully-proof program for kids 4 and up. I have trained here for years and my sons love the program.

Hunter Mason Realty ~ Tony Self
on Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy

Photo of #Northeast Torrance AM PM in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance AM PM

Photo of #Northeast Torrance Freeway Entrance in Northwest Torrance, Torrance

#Northeast Torrance Freeway Entrance

Photo of Wingstop in Northwest Torrance, Torrance


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