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Living in Southwood Torrance

Southwood is the 17th most walkable neighborhood in Torrance with 6,767 residents.

Southwood has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Seaside, Southwood Riviera, Torrance Heights, Delthome, West Torrance, Pacific South Bay and Springwood.

Nearby Southwood Apartments on Redfin

64 Walk Score of Southwood, Torrance, CA

Southwood is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Paradise Park in Southwood, Torrance

Paradise Park

Photo of Anza Elementary School in Southwood, Torrance

Anza Elementary School

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Southwood Torrance.

Southwood is the 17th most walkable neighborhood in Torrance with a Walk Score of 64.

Find apartments in Torrance's most walkable neighborhoods: Olde Torrance, Walteria and Northeast Torrance.

Southwood Torrance Apartments for Rent

Hot Homes for Sale

Southwood Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Southwood to other Torrance neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


15 Northwest Torrance 64 45 54 21,591
16 Palo del Amo 64 32 64 1,262
17 Southwood 64 40 58 6,767
18 Country Hills 64 37 28 1,518
19 Marble Estates 60 29 62 1,595

thumbnail for Paradise ParkNestled in a quiet residential area, Paradise Park is a great place for tennis, barbecues and play.

RG Morrow
on Paradise Park

58 Bike Score of Southwood, Torrance, CA

Southwood is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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