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Living in University Denver

University is the 38th most walkable neighborhood in Denver with 9,372 residents.

University has some public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Rosedale, University Park, Platt Park, Wellshire, Cory-Merrill, Washington Park and Overland.

Nearby Apartments

64 Walk Score of University, Denver, CO

University is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Newman Center for the Performing Arts in University, Denver

Newman Center for the Performing Arts

Photo of Lamont School of Music in University, Denver

Lamont School of Music

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in University Denver.

University is the 38th most walkable neighborhood in Denver with a Walk Score of 64.

Find apartments in Denver's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Capitol Hill and Five Points.

University Neighborhood Ranking

Compare University to other Denver neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


36 Sun Valley 65 60 81 1,463
37 Ruby Hill 64 39 66 9,826
38 University 64 42 77 9,372
39 Park Hill 64 45 80 25,806
40 East Colfax 64 48 73 10,167

Moving to Denver from another city?

thumbnail for Newman Center for the Performing ArtsStone carving on the performing arts building on the DU campus #UniversityofDenver

Emily Foos
on Newman Center for the Performing Arts

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in University Denver? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of Newman Center for the Performing Arts in University, Denver

Newman Center for the Performing Arts

Photo of Lamont School of Music in University, Denver

Lamont School of Music

Photo of F.W. Olin Hall in University, Denver

F.W. Olin Hall

77 Bike Score of University, Denver, CO

University is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of F.W. Olin Hall in University, Denver

F.W. Olin Hall

Photo of Asbury Elementary School in University, Denver

Asbury Elementary School

Photo of Iliff School of Theology in University, Denver

Iliff School of Theology

Photo of University of Denver, Penrose Library in University, Denver

University of Denver, Penrose Library

Photo of Asbury Elementary School in University, Denver

Asbury Elementary School

Photo of Asbury Elementary School in University, Denver

Asbury Elementary School

thumbnail for Lamont School of MusicDU's very awesome music school...when I was in high school, the Lamont School of Music put on a week long camp that offered high school students the opportunity to work with members of the Colorado Symphony. At the end of that week we got to play with the symphony in a concert on the stage at Boettcher Concert Hall. Very cool experience! #UniversityofDenver

Emily Foos
on Lamont School of Music

thumbnail for F.W. Olin HallHome of DU's Department of Biological Sciences #UniversityofDenver

Emily Foos
on F.W. Olin Hall

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