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Living in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park Washington, DC

16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park is the 25th most walkable neighborhood in Washington, DC with 17,694 residents.

16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Brightwood - Manor Park, Petworth, Mount Pleasant, Columbia Heights, Fort Totten - Riggs Park, McMillan Reservoir and Howard University.

Nearby Apartments

79 Walk Score of 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC, DC

16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Buddhist center in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Buddhist center

Photo of Church on 16th Street in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Church on 16th Street

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park Washington, DC.

16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park is the 25th most walkable neighborhood in Washington, DC with a Walk Score of 79.

Find apartments in Washington, DC's most walkable neighborhoods: U-Street, Dupont Circle and Mount Vernon Square.

16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park Neighborhood Ranking

Compare 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park to other Washington, DC neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


23 Brightwood - Manor Park 79 65 66 16,676
24 AU Park - Friendship Heights - Tenley 79 61 71 9,341
25 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park 79 63 73 17,694
26 Cathedral - Wesley Heights - McLean Gardens 77 52 55 11,780
27 Cleveland Park 77 63 67 6,594

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Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park Washington, DC? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

73 Bike Score of 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC, DC

16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Emery Recreation Center in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Emery Recreation Center

Photo of Washington Mormon Church in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Washington Mormon Church

Photo of Chua Giac Hoang Buddhist Temple in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Chua Giac Hoang Buddhist Temple

Photo of Rock Creek Park in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Rock Creek Park

Photo of Parkmont School in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Parkmont School

Photo of Simple Bar and Grill in 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, Washington, DC

Simple Bar and Grill

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