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Living in Fort Totten - Riggs Park Washington, DC

Fort Totten - Riggs Park is the 33rd most walkable neighborhood in Washington, DC with 10,960 residents.

Fort Totten - Riggs Park has excellent public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Brightwood - Manor Park, Michigan Park, Petworth, Brookland, 16th Street Heights - Crestwood - Brightwood Park, McMillan Reservoir and Columbia Heights.

Nearby Apartments

68 Walk Score of Fort Totten - Riggs Park, Washington, DC, DC

Fort Totten - Riggs Park is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Fort Totten - Riggs Park Washington, DC.

Fort Totten - Riggs Park is the 33rd most walkable neighborhood in Washington, DC with a Walk Score of 68.

Find apartments in Washington, DC's most walkable neighborhoods: U-Street, Dupont Circle and Mount Vernon Square.

Hot Homes for Sale

Fort Totten - Riggs Park Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Fort Totten - Riggs Park to other Washington, DC neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


31 Brentwood - Langdon 71 60 57 7,660
32 Benning 69 71 54 8,599
33 Fort Totten - Riggs Park 68 70 55 10,960
34 Colonial Village - Shepherd Park 67 72 53 4,038
35 Randle Heights 61 62 42 9,851

Moving to Washington, DC from another city?

55 Bike Score of Fort Totten - Riggs Park, Washington, DC, DC

Fort Totten - Riggs Park is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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