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Living in Medford Street - The Neck Boston

Medford Street - The Neck is the 38th most walkable neighborhood in Boston with 3,078 residents.

Medford Street - The Neck has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Thompson Square - Bunker Hill, West End, Beacon Hill, North End, Downtown, Central Square and Chinatown - Leather District.

Nearby Medford Street - The Neck Apartments on Redfin

80 Walk Score of Medford Street - The Neck, Boston, MA

Medford Street - The Neck is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Charlestown Overlook Stairway to Heaven in Medford Street - The Neck, Boston

Charlestown Overlook Stairway to Heaven

Photo of Edwards Playground in Medford Street - The Neck, Boston

Edwards Playground

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Medford Street - The Neck Boston.

Medford Street - The Neck is the 38th most walkable neighborhood in Boston with a Walk Score of 80.

Find apartments in Boston's most walkable neighborhoods: Beacon Hill, Chinatown - Leather District and North End.

Medford Street - The Neck Boston Apartments for Rent

Medford Street - The Neck Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Medford Street - The Neck to other Boston neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


36 Mattapan Square 81 69 72 1,007
37 Highland Park 80 86 64 3,945
38 Medford Street - The Neck 80 66 63 3,078
39 Codman Square - East Codman Hill 80 75 53 9,774
40 Washington Park 79 75 67 17,431

Moving to Boston from another city?

thumbnail for Edwards PlaygroundEdwards Playground has a street hockey skating rink, a basketball court, playground, & lawn with trees & benches.

Ian R Hutchinson
on Edwards Playground

66 Transit Score of Medford Street - The Neck, Boston, MA

Medford Street - The Neck has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Medford Street - The Neck Boston apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Medford Street - The Neck has good public transportation and about 10 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Medford Street - The Neck on public transit.

63 Bike Score of Medford Street - The Neck, Boston, MA

Medford Street - The Neck is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Gardens for Charlestown in Medford Street - The Neck, Boston

Gardens for Charlestown

Photo of Charlestown Working Theater in Medford Street - The Neck, Boston

Charlestown Working Theater

thumbnail for Gardens for CharlestownGardens for Charlestown is a non-profit organization established in 1976.

Ian R Hutchinson
on Gardens for Charlestown

thumbnail for Charlestown Working TheaterThe Charlestown Working Theater seeks to entertain, inform, and inspire. Patrons believe that a quality of life can be felt through the artistic process. They offer participants and audiences new visions and understandings of the world around us by combining professional artistry with community spirit. charlestownworkingtheater.org

Ian R Hutchinson
on Charlestown Working Theater

thumbnail for Bobby Delaney Play LotEns Doherty Park has two basketball courts with one mini hoop, a large pool, & now new playground equipment & water play.

Ian R Hutchinson
on Bobby Delaney Play Lot

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