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Living in Beaverton

Beaverton has an average Walk Score of 52 with 89,803 residents.

Beaverton has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Beaverton neighborhoods are Central Beaverton, Raleigh West and Vose.

Nearby Beaverton Apartments on Redfin

52 Walk Score of Beaverton, OR

Beaverton is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Beaverton.

Beaverton Apartments for Rent

Beaverton Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Central Beaverton 73 55 81 12,218
2 Raleigh West 64 34 65 2,033
3 Vose 64 41 82 7,847
4 Five Oaks 61 40 75 6,918
5 Greenway 58 32 68 5,811
6 Neighbors Southwest 54 20 53 10,804
7 Denny Whitford 46 37 72 2,535
8 Highland 45 35 64 6,250
9 West Beaverton 39 35 58 9,545
10 South Beaverton 37 27 63 8,357
11 Sexton Mountain 26 22 49 10,432

thumbnail for Golden Valley Brewery And RestaurantFamily owned restaurant and brewery with 8 beers on tap and home grow, all natural and hormone free beef!

Portland Creative Realtors
on Golden Valley Brewery And Restaurant

35 Transit Score of Beaverton, OR

Beaverton has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Beaverton apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Beaverton has some public transportation and about 15 bus, 1 rail and 2 light rail lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Beaverton on public transit.

67 Bike Score of Beaverton, OR

Beaverton is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Greenway Park in Beaverton

Greenway Park

Photo of Greenway Park in Beaverton

Greenway Park

Photo of Greenway Park in Beaverton

Greenway Park

Photo of Greenway Park in Beaverton

Greenway Park

Photo of Greenway Park in Beaverton

Greenway Park

Photo of Fanno Creek Trail in Beaverton

Fanno Creek Trail

thumbnail for Fanno Farmhouse ParkThe Fanno Farmhouse is a historical site that visitors can explore. You can also reserve for special events.

Kat Johnson
on Fanno Farmhouse Park

Photo of Greenway School in Beaverton

Greenway School

Photo of Neighorhood signs in Beaverton

Neighorhood signs

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

thumbnail for Hall/Nimbus Park & RideIf you live in the Greenway area and are a commuter, the Hall/Nimbus WES is right there. It has a decent sized park and ride garage as well.

Kat Johnson
on Hall/Nimbus Park & Ride

Beaverton is Talking About...

play hills lunch job car gym coffee oregon 24 hour fitness movies beer century 16 cedar hills crossing sleep new seasons market trimet beaverton transit center portland staring drinking dreams chipotle

Beaverton is all about:

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Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

thumbnail for Greenway ParkThrough out the park there are placards with information on the environmental projects going on in the park.

Kat Johnson
on Greenway Park

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