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Living in Neighbors Southwest Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest is the 6th most walkable neighborhood in Beaverton with 10,804 residents.

Neighbors Southwest has minimal public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Sexton Mountain, South Beaverton, Highland, West Beaverton, Greenway, Vose and Central Beaverton.

Nearby Neighbors Southwest Apartments on Redfin

54 Walk Score of Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton, OR

Neighbors Southwest is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Neighbors Southwest Beaverton.

Neighbors Southwest is the 6th most walkable neighborhood in Beaverton with a Walk Score of 54.

Find apartments in Beaverton's most walkable neighborhoods: Central Beaverton, Raleigh West and Vose.

Neighbors Southwest Beaverton Apartments for Rent

Neighbors Southwest Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Neighbors Southwest to other Beaverton neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


4 Five Oaks 61 40 75 6,918
5 Greenway 58 32 68 5,811
6 Neighbors Southwest 54 20 53 10,804
7 Denny Whitford 46 37 72 2,535
8 Highland 45 35 64 6,250

thumbnail for Big Al'sHUGE, couple bowling alleys, arcade (mostly for kids) gigantic screens in the sports bar, pool, shuffleboard, and restaurant. This is really a family place though. Lots of noise and kids.

on Big Al's

20 Transit Score of Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton, OR

Neighbors Southwest has Minimal Transit

It is possible to get on a bus. Find Neighbors Southwest Beaverton apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Neighbors Southwest has minimal public transportation and about 1 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Neighbors Southwest on public transit.

53 Bike Score of Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton, OR

Neighbors Southwest is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Barrows Lake in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Barrows Lake

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

Photo of Neighbors Southwest in Neighbors Southwest, Beaverton

Neighbors Southwest

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