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Living in Del Ray Alexandria

Del Ray is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Alexandria with 11,926 residents.

Del Ray has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Arlandria, Northeast Alexandria, Rosemont, Braddock Road Metro, Beverly Hills, Dyes Oakcrest and Old Town North.

Nearby Del Ray Apartments on Redfin

84 Walk Score of Del Ray, Alexandria, VA

Del Ray is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Little Yellow House in Del Ray, Alexandria

Little Yellow House

Photo of Anne Welsh Salon in Del Ray, Alexandria

Anne Welsh Salon

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Del Ray Alexandria.

Del Ray is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Alexandria with a Walk Score of 84.

Find apartments in Alexandria's most walkable neighborhoods: Braddock Road Metro, Southwest Quadrant and Old Town North.

Del Ray Alexandria Apartments for Rent

Del Ray Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Del Ray to other Alexandria neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


3 Old Town North 85 60 83 2,012
4 Old Town 84 52 81 7,894
5 Del Ray 84 52 86 11,926
6 Arlandria 83 51 91 3,556
7 Eisenhower East - Carlyle District 82 70 69 3,906
52 Transit Score of Del Ray, Alexandria, VA

Del Ray has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Del Ray Alexandria apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Del Ray has good public transportation and about 4 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Del Ray on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Del Ray Alexandria? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Jen Walker

I live and work in Del Ray. You need to know something. Ask me.

Ask Jen about Del Ray

http://Jenwalker.com »

Photo of Los Tios Grill in Del Ray, Alexandria

Los Tios Grill

Photo of The Nest Academy in Del Ray, Alexandria

The Nest Academy

Photo of Nature's Nibbles in Del Ray, Alexandria

Nature's Nibbles

86 Bike Score of Del Ray, Alexandria, VA

Del Ray is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Clay Queen Pottery in Del Ray, Alexandria

Clay Queen Pottery

Photo of Funky Chairs in Del Ray, Alexandria

Funky Chairs

Photo of Three BR, 2.5 BA, $2,700 - Three BR in Del Ray, Alexandria

Three BR, 2.5 BA, $2,700 - Three BR

Photo of Los Tios Grill in Del Ray, Alexandria

Los Tios Grill

Photo of Potomac Yard Dog Park in Del Ray, Alexandria

Potomac Yard Dog Park

Photo of Eugene Simpson Stadium in Del Ray, Alexandria

Eugene Simpson Stadium

Photo of The Nest Academy in Del Ray, Alexandria

The Nest Academy

Photo of Nature's Nibbles in Del Ray, Alexandria

Nature's Nibbles

Photo of Department Of Health And Community Services in Del Ray, Alexandria

Department Of Health And Community Services

Photo of A Show of Hands in Del Ray, Alexandria

A Show of Hands

Photo of Dog Friendly in Del Ray, Alexandria

Dog Friendly

Photo of VéloCity Bicycle Cooperative in Del Ray, Alexandria

VéloCity Bicycle Cooperative

Photo of HomeMade Pizza Company in Del Ray, Alexandria

HomeMade Pizza Company

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