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Living in Old Town Alexandria

Old Town is the 4th most walkable neighborhood in Alexandria with 7,894 residents.

Old Town has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Southwest Quadrant, Braddock Road Metro, Old Town North, Northeast Alexandria, Rosemont, Eisenhower East - Carlyle District and Del Ray.

Nearby Old Town Apartments on Redfin

84 Walk Score of Old Town, Alexandria, VA

Old Town is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Pat Troy's Restaurant & Pub in Old Town, Alexandria

Pat Troy's Restaurant & Pub

Photo of Hotel Monaco Alexandria, a Kimpton Hotel in Old Town, Alexandria

Hotel Monaco Alexandria, a Kimpton Hotel

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Old Town Alexandria.

Old Town is the 4th most walkable neighborhood in Alexandria with a Walk Score of 84.

Find apartments in Alexandria's most walkable neighborhoods: Braddock Road Metro, Southwest Quadrant and Old Town North.

Old Town Alexandria Apartments for Rent

Old Town Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Old Town to other Alexandria neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


2 Southwest Quadrant 85 58 85 2,918
3 Old Town North 85 60 83 2,012
4 Old Town 84 52 81 7,894
5 Del Ray 84 52 86 11,926
6 Arlandria 83 51 91 3,556

thumbnail for Pat Troy's Restaurant & PubThis neighborhood institution is the best of a number of Irish pubs in Old Town. Founded and owned by former Alexandria Mayor (and Irish expat) Pat Troy, the live music and Irish brews are not to be missed!

Adam Johnson
on Pat Troy's Restaurant & Pub

52 Transit Score of Old Town, Alexandria, VA

Old Town has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Old Town Alexandria apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Old Town has good public transportation and about 1 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Old Town on public transit.

81 Bike Score of Old Town, Alexandria, VA

Old Town is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Market Square, Alexandria VA in Old Town, Alexandria

Market Square, Alexandria VA

Photo of Misha's in Old Town, Alexandria


thumbnail for Hotel Monaco Alexandria, a Kimpton HotelThis historic hotel was purportedly the site of the first recorded Civil War casualty - the result of a brawl between a Northerner and Southerner. It is also rumored to be haunted.

Adam Johnson
on Hotel Monaco Alexandria, a Kimpton Hotel

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