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Living in Clarendon - Courthouse Arlington

Clarendon - Courthouse is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Arlington with 8,712 residents.

Clarendon - Courthouse has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Lyon Village, Lyon Park, Colonial Village, North Highland, Radnor - Fort Myer Heights, Woodmont and Ashton Heights.

Nearby Clarendon - Courthouse Apartments on Redfin

92 Walk Score of Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington, VA

Clarendon - Courthouse is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of Fort Woodbury Historical Sign in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Fort Woodbury Historical Sign

Photo of Archstone Courthouse Plaza in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Archstone Courthouse Plaza

Daily errands do not require a car in Clarendon - Courthouse Arlington.

Clarendon - Courthouse is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Arlington with a Walk Score of 92.

Find apartments in Arlington's most walkable neighborhoods: Ballston - Virginia Square, Clarendon - Courthouse and Lyon Village.

Clarendon - Courthouse Arlington Apartments for Rent

Clarendon - Courthouse Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Clarendon - Courthouse to other Arlington neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Ballston - Virginia Square 92 73 85 13,649
2 Clarendon - Courthouse 92 69 77 8,712
3 Lyon Village 92 69 83 3,569
4 North Rosslyn 88 75 78 2,554

thumbnail for Ray's The SteaksThis iconic restaurant is the best place for steaks in the Washington, DC area, hands-down. High quality beef and no-frills sides highlight this must-visit while in the area!

Adam Johnson
on Ray's The Steaks

69 Transit Score of Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington, VA

Clarendon - Courthouse has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Clarendon - Courthouse Arlington apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Clarendon - Courthouse has good public transportation and about 6 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Clarendon - Courthouse on public transit.

77 Bike Score of Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington, VA

Clarendon - Courthouse is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Arlington County Building in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Arlington County Building

Photo of AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

AMC Courthouse Plaza 8

Photo of Instyle in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington


Photo of Velocity 5 in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Velocity 5

Photo of Robeks in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington


Photo of Me Jana in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Me Jana

thumbnail for Courthouse Metro StationMetro stop conveniently located within steps of any Courthouse area establishment.

Adam Johnson
on Courthouse Metro Station

Photo of The Perfect Pita in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

The Perfect Pita

Photo of Fire Works Pizza in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Fire Works Pizza

Photo of Strayer University in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Strayer University

Photo of Sweet Leaf in Clarendon - Courthouse, Arlington

Sweet Leaf

thumbnail for Court HouseCourthouse sign - great way to know where to go in this neighborhood!

Adam Johnson
on Court House

thumbnail for Fort Woodbury Historical SignSign giving historical significance of site where Fort Woodbury used to stand.

Adam Johnson
on Fort Woodbury Historical Sign

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