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Living in Lyon Village Arlington

Lyon Village is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in Arlington with 3,569 residents.

Lyon Village has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Clarendon - Courthouse, Maywood, Woodmont, Colonial Village, Lyon Park, North Highland and Cherrydale.

Nearby Lyon Village Apartments on Redfin

92 Walk Score of Lyon Village, Arlington, VA

Lyon Village is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of Lyon Village in Lyon Village, Arlington

Lyon Village

Photo of Lyon Village Community House in Lyon Village, Arlington

Lyon Village Community House

Daily errands do not require a car in Lyon Village Arlington.

Lyon Village is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in Arlington with a Walk Score of 92.

Find apartments in Arlington's most walkable neighborhoods: Ballston - Virginia Square, Clarendon - Courthouse and Lyon Village.

Lyon Village Arlington Apartments for Rent

Hot Homes for Sale

Lyon Village Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Lyon Village to other Arlington neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Ballston - Virginia Square 92 73 85 13,649
2 Clarendon - Courthouse 92 69 77 8,712
3 Lyon Village 92 69 83 3,569
4 North Rosslyn 88 75 78 2,554
5 Colonial Village 88 71 80 2,564

thumbnail for Lyon Village Community HouseThis is where community meetings, voting, ballroom dancing classes take place

Sam Taute
on Lyon Village Community House

69 Transit Score of Lyon Village, Arlington, VA

Lyon Village has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Lyon Village Arlington apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Lyon Village has good public transportation and about 3 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Lyon Village on public transit.

83 Bike Score of Lyon Village, Arlington, VA

Lyon Village is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Lyon Village Park in Lyon Village, Arlington

Lyon Village Park

Photo of Lyon Village Park in Lyon Village, Arlington

Lyon Village Park

Photo of Lyon Village Park in Lyon Village, Arlington

Lyon Village Park

Photo of Lyon Village Park in Lyon Village, Arlington

Lyon Village Park

Photo of Bus Stop: Lee Highway in Lyon Village, Arlington

Bus Stop: Lee Highway

Photo of National Pawnbrokers in Lyon Village, Arlington

National Pawnbrokers

thumbnail for Lyon Village Parkin the heat of the summer this cool water feature for kids is a huge hit #lyonvillage

Kim L-squared
on Lyon Village Park

thumbnail for Lyon Village#lyonvillage is a beautiful, well established neighborhood and even has well maintained and beautiful little traffic circles - absolutely lovely place

Kim L-squared
on Lyon Village

thumbnail for Lyon Villageexample of cool mission style architecture - a couple houses along N Highland have similar look #lyonvillage

Kim L-squared
on Lyon Village

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