This page shows which neighborhoods in Boston are similar to other neighborhoods in Boston.
Boston's Walk Score is 83.
Boston has excellent public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Boston has a Transit Score of 72. Boston's Bike Score is 69.
Here are neighborhoods in Boston, Massachusetts and other neighborhoods that are similar to them.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Back Bay is similar to Beacon Hill, Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood and North End in Boston.
Bellevue Hill is similar to Brook Farm, Harbor View - Orient Heights and Jamaica Hills - Pond in Boston.
Central Square is similar to D Street - West Broadway, Fields Corner East and Mattapan Square in Boston.
Chinatown - Leather District is similar to North End, South End and Beacon Hill in Boston.
Fairmount Hills is similar to Upper Washington - Spring Street, West Street - River Street and Brook Farm in Boston.
Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood is similar to South End, Back Bay and Mission Hill in Boston.
Georgetown is similar to Readville, Brook Farm and Upper Washington - Spring Street in Boston.
Mission Hill is similar to Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood, Lower Roxbury and South End in Boston.
North End is similar to Beacon Hill, Chinatown - Leather District and Back Bay in Boston.
Readville is similar to Brook Farm, Upper Washington - Spring Street and Georgetown in Boston.
South End is similar to Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood, Chinatown - Leather District and North End in Boston.
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Stony Brook - Cleary Square is similar to Medford Street - The Neck, Neponset - Port Norfolk and Harbor View - Orient Heights in Boston.
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Upper Washington - Spring Street is similar to Brook Farm, Fairmount Hills and Bellevue Hill in Boston.
West End is similar to Bay Village, Back Bay and Beacon Hill in Boston.
West Street - River Street is similar to Fairmount Hills, Southern Mattapan and Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street in Boston.