This page shows which neighborhoods in Charlotte are similar to other neighborhoods in Charlotte.
Charlotte's Walk Score is 26.
Charlotte has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Charlotte has a Transit Score of 27. Charlotte's Bike Score is 31.
Here are neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina and other neighborhoods that are similar to them.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Becton Park is similar to Wessex Square, Sardis Woods and Sherwood Forest in Charlotte.
College Downs is similar to Ashbrook - Clawson Village, Cotswold and Myers Park in Charlotte.
Coulwood West is similar to Hembstead, Sherwood Forest and Pawtuckett in Charlotte.
Eastover is similar to Plaza Midwood, Sedgefield and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Harwood Lane is similar to Sunset Road, Back Creek Church Road and Rockwell Park - Hemphill Heights in Charlotte.
Lockwood is similar to Southside Park, Wesley Heights and Wilmore in Charlotte.
McCrorey Heights is similar to Westover Hills, Reid Park and Oaklawn in Charlotte.
Newell South is similar to Oakview Terrace, Quail Hollow and Toddville Road in Charlotte.
North Charlotte is similar to Sheffield Park, Plaza Midwood and Villa Heights in Charlotte.
Olde Whitehall is similar to Mineral Springs, Clanton Park - Roseland and Beatties Ford - Trinity in Charlotte.
Pinecrest is similar to Revolution Park, Oaklawn and Arbor Glen in Charlotte.
Plaza Midwood is similar to Sedgefield, Sheffield Park and Eastover in Charlotte.
Sheffield Park is similar to Sedgefield, Plaza Midwood and Eastover in Charlotte.
Villa Heights is similar to Shamrock, Chantilly and Druid Hills South in Charlotte.
Yorkmount is similar to Beverly Woods, Foxcroft and Clanton Park - Roseland in Charlotte.