This page shows which neighborhoods in Dallas are similar to neighborhoods in Charlotte.
Rents in Dallas average $1 and are about the same as rents in Charlotte.
Dallas's Walk Score is 46, 20 points higher than Charlotte's 26.
Dallas has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Dallas has a Transit Score of 39, Charlotte's score is 27. Dallas's Bike Score is 49, Charlotte's score is 31.
Here are neighborhoods in Dallas, Texas that are similar to Charlotte, North Carolina neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Casa Linda-Casa View is similar to University Park, Starmount and Druid Hills South in Charlotte.
Cockrell Hill is similar to Derita - Statesville, West Sugar Creek and Idlewild South in Charlotte.
Downtown is similar to Second Ward and First Ward in Charlotte.
Five Mile Creek is similar to Country Club Heights, Starmount and Oak Forest in Charlotte.
Forest Hills is similar to Washington Heights, Shannon Park and Hwy 51 - Park Road in Charlotte.
Greenway Park is similar to Freedom Park, Brookhill and Madison Park in Charlotte.
M Streets is similar to North Charlotte, Sheffield Park and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Mountain Creek is similar to Jackson Homes, Harwood Lane and Sunset Road in Charlotte.
Oak Lawn is similar to Fourth Ward, First Ward and Dilworth in Charlotte.
Piedmont is similar to Starmount, Chantilly and University Park in Charlotte.
Pleasant Grove is similar to Oak Forest, Windsor Park and Country Club Heights in Charlotte.
Redbird is similar to Westerly Hills, Ashley Park and Sugaw Creek in Charlotte.
Riverway Estates-Bruton Terrace is similar to Ashbrook - Clawson Village, College Downs and Cotswold in Charlotte.
Winnetka Heights is similar to Colonial Village, Brookhill and Briarcreek - Woodland in Charlotte.
Wolf Creek is similar to Country Club Heights, Park Crossing and Eastland - Wilora Lake in Charlotte.