This page shows which neighborhoods in Fort Worth are similar to neighborhoods in El Paso.
Rents in Fort Worth average $1 and are about the same as rents in El Paso.
Fort Worth's Walk Score is 35, 5 points lower than El Paso's 40.
Fort Worth has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Fort Worth has a Transit Score of 22, El Paso's score is 28. Fort Worth's Bike Score is 39, El Paso's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas that are similar to El Paso, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alamo Heights is similar to Stone Ridge, Vista Del Sol West and Lincoln Park in El Paso.
Basswood Park is similar to Montclair, Lafayette Place and Ranchland West in El Paso.
Bellaire Park North is similar to Kohlberg, Bear Ridge and Park Foothills in El Paso.
Belmont Terrace is similar to Indian Ridge South, Eastwood Heights and Vista del Prado in El Paso.
Berkeley Place is similar to Ridgecrest, Vista Hills and South Belvidere in El Paso.
Blue Haze is similar to North Hills West, Pleasant Hills East and Bradley in El Paso.
Bluebonnet Hills is similar to Buena Vista, Five Points East and Village Green in El Paso.
Bluebonnet Place is similar to Sunset Heights, Five Points East and Magoffin in El Paso.
Brentmoor is similar to Valle Grande, Stiles Garden and Loma Park in El Paso.
Brentwood-Oak Hills is similar to Desierto Plaza, Austin Terrace and Pleasant Hills West in El Paso.
Burchill is similar to Pleasant Hills East, Sun Valley East and Tierra Rica in El Paso.
Butler is similar to Hidden Valley, Stiles Garden and Logan Heights in El Paso.
Byers Mccart is similar to Rim - University, Rushfair and Durazno in El Paso.
Candle Ridge West is similar to Stanton Heights, Mountain View North and Tobin Park in El Paso.
Eastgate is similar to Park Foothills, Kohlberg and Northtowne Village in El Paso.