This page shows which neighborhoods in Fort Worth are similar to neighborhoods in San Jose.
Rents in Fort Worth average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Jose.
Fort Worth's Walk Score is 35, 16 points lower than San Jose's 51.
Fort Worth has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Fort Worth has a Transit Score of 22, San Jose's score is 40. Fort Worth's Bike Score is 39, San Jose's score is 62.
Here are neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas that are similar to San Jose, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alamo Heights is similar to Brookvale-Chantel, Muir and Farnam in San Jose.
Basswood Park is similar to Lexington Maria, Mt. Pleasant North and Hillview North in San Jose.
Bellaire Park North is similar to Quimby, Woodside of Almaden and Clayton South in San Jose.
Belmont Terrace is similar to Kettman-Pomeroy, Banana Grove and Alderbrook in San Jose.
Berkeley Place is similar to Blossom Valley, Brigadoon and Stallion-Shadowsprings in San Jose.
Blue Haze is similar to Terrace Hill and Candlestick in San Jose.
Bluebonnet Hills is similar to Saratoga Creek, Loma Linda and Northlake in San Jose.
Bluebonnet Place is similar to David-Rosemary, Calabazas North and Castlemont in San Jose.
Brentmoor is similar to Martinvale-Vinyard, Berryessa Creek and Buena Park in San Jose.
Brentwood-Oak Hills is similar to Lynbrook, Bucknall and Yum Yum in San Jose.
Butler is similar to Notting Hill-Royal Crest, Commodore and Gilchrist in San Jose.
Byers Mccart is similar to Makati, Leyva and Forest-Pruneridge in San Jose.
Candle Ridge West is similar to Starbird, Norwood and Walnut Blossom in San Jose.
Candleridge is similar to Rainbow, Starbird and Norwood in San Jose.
Eastgate is similar to Clayton South, Candlestick and Glen Crest in San Jose.