This page shows which neighborhoods in San Jose are similar to neighborhoods in Louisville.
Rents in San Jose average $1 and are about the same as rents in Louisville.
San Jose's Walk Score is 51, 17 points higher than Louisville's 34.
San Jose has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. San Jose has a Transit Score of 40, Louisville's score is 27. San Jose's Bike Score is 62, Louisville's score is 43.
Here are neighborhoods in San Jose, California that are similar to Louisville, Kentucky neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Albanese is similar to Cherokee Seneca, Highlands Douglass and Audubon in Louisville.
Alderbrook is similar to Rockcreek Lexington Road, Cherokee Seneca and Cherokee Gardens in Louisville.
Alexander is similar to Highlands Douglass, Crescent Hill and Portland in Louisville.
Alexian is similar to Park Hill, California and Parkland in Louisville.
Alma is similar to Limerick, Bradley and Highlands Douglass in Louisville.
Alma-Almaden is similar to Highlands Douglass, Taylor Berry and Crescent Hill in Louisville.
Almaden is similar to Merriwether, Bradley and Cherokee Triangle in Louisville.
Almaden Meadows is similar to Camp Taylor, Cherokee Seneca and Prestonia in Louisville.
Almaden Springs is similar to Fairdale and Iroquois Park in Louisville.
Almaden Winery is similar to Iroquois Park, Rockcreek Lexington Road and Cherokee Gardens in Louisville.
Almaden-Clare Felice is similar to Kenwood Hill, Park Duvalle and Iroquois in Louisville.
Alvin-Burdette is similar to Smoketown, Jackson and University in Louisville.
Alviso is similar to Poplar Level, Bowman and Prestonia in Louisville.
Anderson East is similar to Kenwood Hill, Hawthorne and Gardiner Lane in Louisville.
Anderson West is similar to Clifton, Saint Joseph and Wilder Park in Louisville.