This page shows which neighborhoods in San Jose are similar to neighborhoods in San Diego.
Rents in San Jose average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Diego.
San Jose's Walk Score is 51, 2 points lower than San Diego's 53.
San Jose has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. San Jose has a Transit Score of 40, San Diego's score is 37. San Jose's Bike Score is 62, San Diego's score is 43.
Here are neighborhoods in San Jose, California that are similar to San Diego, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Albanese is similar to Egger Highlands, Loma Portal and Lake Murray in San Diego.
Alderbrook is similar to Upper Hermosa, Sunset Cliffs and Lower Hermosa in San Diego.
Alexander is similar to Redwood Village - Rolando Park, Otay Mesa West and Chollas View in San Diego.
Alexian is similar to Palm City, Mt Hope and San Ysidro in San Diego.
Alma is similar to Kensington, Chollas View and Webster in San Diego.
Alma-Almaden is similar to Otay Mesa West, Redwood Village - Rolando Park and Chollas View in San Diego.
Almaden is similar to Beach Barber, Bird Rock and Roseville - Fleet Ridge in San Diego.
Almaden Meadows is similar to Lake Murray, San Carlos and Clairemont Mesa West in San Diego.
Almaden Springs is similar to Muirlands West, La Jolla Alta and Black Mountain Ranch in San Diego.
Almaden Winery is similar to Alta Vista, Jolla Mesa and Upper Hermosa in San Diego.
Almaden-Clare Felice is similar to Nestor, Encanto and Bay Park in San Diego.
Alvin-Burdette is similar to Mission Hills, Stockton and Barrio Logan in San Diego.
Alviso is similar to La Playa, Torrey Highlands and La Jolla in San Diego.
Anderson East is similar to Bay Park, North Clairemont and Redwood Village - Rolando Park in San Diego.
Anderson West is similar to Pacific Beach, Clairemont Mesa East and Mountain View in San Diego.