This page shows which neighborhoods in San Jose are similar to neighborhoods in Tulsa.
Rents in San Jose average $1 and are about the same as rents in Tulsa.
San Jose's Walk Score is 51, 12 points higher than Tulsa's 39.
San Jose has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. San Jose has a Transit Score of 40, Tulsa's score is 23. San Jose's Bike Score is 62, Tulsa's score is 47.
Here are neighborhoods in San Jose, California that are similar to Tulsa, Oklahoma neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Albanese is similar to Riverside Drive, Florence Park South and Florence Park in Tulsa.
Alderbrook is similar to Sunset Park, Lacy Park and Norvell Park in Tulsa.
Alexander is similar to Sunrise Terrace, Florence Park and Hoover in Tulsa.
Alexian is similar to Brady Arts District, Lewiston Gardens and Shadow Mountain in Tulsa.
Alma is similar to North Maple Ridge, Florence Park and Sunrise Terrace in Tulsa.
Alma-Almaden is similar to Florence Park, Maplewood and Sunrise Terrace in Tulsa.
Almaden is similar to Lewiston Gardens, North Maple Ridge and Columbus in Tulsa.
Almaden Meadows is similar to Florence Park South, Easton Heights and O'Connor Park in Tulsa.
Almaden Springs is similar to Braniff Hills, Archer Heights and Greater Oakview Estates in Tulsa.
Almaden Winery is similar to Lacy Park, Carriage Trail and Sunset Terrace in Tulsa.
Almaden-Clare Felice is similar to Fulton, River Grove and McClure Park in Tulsa.
Alvin-Burdette is similar to Yorktown, Central Park and Fair Acres in Tulsa.
Alviso is similar to Mid Tulsa, Woodcrest and Highland Park in Tulsa.
Anderson East is similar to Sunrise Terrace, River Grove and Fulton in Tulsa.
Anderson West is similar to Buena Vista Park, Brady Arts District and Stonebraker Heights in Tulsa.