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Living in Rochester

Rochester has an average Walk Score of 61 with 210,565 residents.

Rochester has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Rochester neighborhoods are Pearl-Meigs-Monroe, Central Business District and Park Avenue.

Nearby Rochester Apartments on Redfin

61 Walk Score of Rochester, NY

Rochester is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Halo Lofts in Rochester

Halo Lofts

Photo of South Ave Area #6 in Rochester

South Ave Area #6

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Rochester.

Rochester Apartments for Rent

Rochester Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Pearl-Meigs-Monroe 92 46 77 2,176
2 Central Business District 86 68 80 4,317
3 Park Avenue 83 43 73 7,217
4 South Wedge 83 43 89 3,402
5 Swillburg 81 40 68 1,682
6 East Avenue 78 44 74 7,259
7 South Marketview Heights 78 55 58 2,889
8 NOTA 78 49 70 1,411
9 Brown Square 77 55 57 666
10 Ellwanger-Barry 75 39 67 4,483
11 Corn Hill 74 54 87 2,594
12 Upper Monroe 74 36 57 2,995
13 Edgerton 71 42 58 7,606
14 Upper Falls 70 52 57 6,352
15 Mayor's Heights 68 49 58 2,621
16 Culver-Winton-Main 68 36 59 7,760
17 North Marketview Heights 66 45 61 4,739
18 Genesee-Jefferson 63 42 61 4,708
19 B.E.S.T 61 49 59 922
20 Charles House Area Council 61 49 63 2,421
21 Beechwood 60 40 58 8,538
22 Plymouth-Exchange 60 41 72 3,509
23 Strong 58 43 78 6,127
24 19th Ward 57 40 57 20,976
25 Maplewood 53 38 49 18,203
26 Browncroft 53 36 55 3,701
27 United Neighbors Together 52 38 51 3,394
28 Dutchtown 51 43 56 3,529
29 Lyell-Otis 50 36 48 8,729
30 Highland 48 42 72 4,052
31 Cobbs Hill 48 30 49 1,590
32 Homestead Heights 48 37 54 3,802
33 Northland-Lyceum 41 36 49 4,684
34 Charlotte 36 30 33 8,196

thumbnail for Halo LoftsThese apartments are rentals primarily intended for Eastman Students, according to rocwiki.

Gena E.
on Halo Lofts

41 Transit Score of Rochester, NY

Rochester has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Rochester apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Rochester has some public transportation and about 33 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Rochester on public transit.

60 Bike Score of Rochester, NY

Rochester is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of South & Mt Hope in Rochester

South & Mt Hope

Photo of East Avenue in Rochester

East Avenue

Photo of Rochester Museum & Science Center in Rochester

Rochester Museum & Science Center

Photo of Third Presbyterian Church in Rochester

Third Presbyterian Church

Photo of The Hiram Sibley Building in Rochester

The Hiram Sibley Building

Photo of Park Avenue in Rochester

Park Avenue

thumbnail for South Ave Area #6Mix high rise and older buildings this is a assisted living center for seniors

sarah princehorn
on South Ave Area #6

Photo of Park Avenue. in Rochester

Park Avenue.

Photo of Park Avenue in Rochester

Park Avenue

Photo of Park Avenue in Rochester

Park Avenue

Photo of Park Ave. in Rochester

Park Ave.

thumbnail for Java's CafeJava's is a favorite of Eastman School of Music students and locals who attend concerts at the Eastman concert halls next door.

Gena E.
on Java's Cafe

Rochester is Talking About...

frontier field play drink movies job god park ave roc school walk food beer sleep lunch money party song tired eat car

Rochester is all about:

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Photo of Central Business District bench in Rochester

Central Business District bench

Photo of Sullivan Violins in Rochester

Sullivan Violins

Photo of Gibbs St. (stage) a.k.a. Jazz Street during the Jazz Festival in Rochester

Gibbs St. (stage) a.k.a. Jazz Street during the Jazz Festival

thumbnail for South & Mt HopeSouth ave area - Utility boxes on streets have been painted by local artists.

sarah princehorn
on South & Mt Hope

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