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Living in South Marketview Heights Rochester

South Marketview Heights is the 7th most walkable neighborhood in Rochester with 2,889 residents.

South Marketview Heights has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: North Marketview Heights, NOTA, Central Business District, Upper Falls, Pearl-Meigs-Monroe, Beechwood and East Avenue.

Nearby South Marketview Heights Apartments on Redfin

78 Walk Score of South Marketview Heights, Rochester, NY

South Marketview Heights is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Boulder Coffee At the Market in South Marketview Heights, Rochester

Boulder Coffee At the Market

Photo of Sofrito Garden in South Marketview Heights, Rochester

Sofrito Garden

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in South Marketview Heights Rochester.

South Marketview Heights is the 7th most walkable neighborhood in Rochester with a Walk Score of 78.

Find apartments in Rochester's most walkable neighborhoods: Pearl-Meigs-Monroe, Central Business District and Park Avenue.

South Marketview Heights Rochester Apartments for Rent

South Marketview Heights Neighborhood Ranking

Compare South Marketview Heights to other Rochester neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


5 Swillburg 81 40 68 1,682
6 East Avenue 78 44 74 7,259
7 South Marketview Heights 78 55 58 2,889
8 NOTA 78 49 70 1,411
9 Brown Square 77 55 57 666

thumbnail for Boulder Coffee At the MarketThis newer coffee shop has quickly become a Rochester institution with a number of locations around the city including near the U of Rochester.

Gena E.
on Boulder Coffee At the Market

55 Transit Score of South Marketview Heights, Rochester, NY

South Marketview Heights has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find South Marketview Heights Rochester apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

South Marketview Heights has good public transportation and about 5 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from South Marketview Heights on public transit.

58 Bike Score of South Marketview Heights, Rochester, NY

South Marketview Heights is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Private homes on Lewis Street in South Marketview Heights, Rochester

Private homes on Lewis Street

Photo of New Bethel CME Church in South Marketview Heights, Rochester

New Bethel CME Church

Photo of Private home in South Marketview Heights, Rochester

Private home

Photo of Greater Lighthouse Church of Jesus Christ in South Marketview Heights, Rochester

Greater Lighthouse Church of Jesus Christ

Photo of YMCA in South Marketview Heights, Rochester


Photo of YMCA in South Marketview Heights, Rochester


thumbnail for Sofrito Garden#southmarketviewheights This beautiful community garden is in full bloom! Please note that everything posted on my page is just based on the best information I can gather at the time, not necessarily accurate addresses or info ingeneral.

Gena E.
on Sofrito Garden

thumbnail for Private homes on Lewis StreetThis lovely home is next to a home that is in major disrepair and is boarded up. This is not unusual in the area where most homes are rented, according to City-Data.com

Gena E.
on Private homes on Lewis Street

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