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Living in Upper Falls Rochester

Upper Falls is the 14th most walkable neighborhood in Rochester with 6,352 residents.

Upper Falls has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Central Business District, Brown Square, South Marketview Heights, Corn Hill, Edgerton, North Marketview Heights and South Wedge.

Nearby Upper Falls Apartments on Redfin

70 Walk Score of Upper Falls, Rochester, NY

Upper Falls is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Amtrak Station-ROC in Upper Falls, Rochester

Amtrak Station-ROC

Photo of New York Trailways in Upper Falls, Rochester

New York Trailways

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Upper Falls Rochester.

Upper Falls is the 14th most walkable neighborhood in Rochester with a Walk Score of 70.

Find apartments in Rochester's most walkable neighborhoods: Pearl-Meigs-Monroe, Central Business District and Park Avenue.

Upper Falls Rochester Apartments for Rent

Hot Homes for Sale

Upper Falls Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Upper Falls to other Rochester neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


12 Upper Monroe 74 36 57 2,995
13 Edgerton 71 42 58 7,606
14 Upper Falls 70 52 57 6,352
15 Mayor's Heights 68 49 58 2,621
16 Culver-Winton-Main 68 36 59 7,760

thumbnail for Lomb Memorial Park14-Upper Falls; 48 foot tall black Minnesota granite Memorial for Captain Henry Lomb as it gazes at the Kodak building in the distance

Daniel Mack
on Lomb Memorial Park

52 Transit Score of Upper Falls, Rochester, NY

Upper Falls has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Upper Falls Rochester apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Upper Falls has good public transportation and about 7 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Upper Falls on public transit.

57 Bike Score of Upper Falls, Rochester, NY

Upper Falls is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Clifford Ave in Upper Falls, Rochester

Clifford Ave

Photo of Sofrito Garden in Upper Falls, Rochester

Sofrito Garden

Photo of Lomb Memorial Park in Upper Falls, Rochester

Lomb Memorial Park

Photo of Baden Park in Upper Falls, Rochester

Baden Park

Photo of St Simon's Terrace in Upper Falls, Rochester

St Simon's Terrace

Photo of North American Breweries in Upper Falls, Rochester

North American Breweries

Photo of Amtrak Station-ROC in Upper Falls, Rochester

Amtrak Station-ROC

Photo of Don Samuel Torres Park in Upper Falls, Rochester

Don Samuel Torres Park

Photo of Upper Falls Shopping Center in Upper Falls, Rochester

Upper Falls Shopping Center

Photo of Upper Falls Market in Upper Falls, Rochester

Upper Falls Market

Photo of Anthony L Jordan Health Center in Upper Falls, Rochester

Anthony L Jordan Health Center

Photo of School No. 6 in Upper Falls, Rochester

School No. 6

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