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Living in Syracuse

Syracuse has an average Walk Score of 57 with 145,170 residents.

Syracuse has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Syracuse neighborhoods are Downtown, Northside and Westside.

Nearby Syracuse Apartments on Redfin

57 Walk Score of Syracuse, NY

Syracuse is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Westcott Community Center in Syracuse

Westcott Community Center

Photo of Polish Veterans Memorial in Syracuse

Polish Veterans Memorial

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Syracuse.

Syracuse Apartments for Rent

Syracuse Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 86 59 70 2,101
2 Northside 69 40 50 36,228
3 Westside 64 40 54 17,792
4 Lakefront 63 45 50 573
5 Eastwood 62 37 45 14,151
6 Eastside 52 46 52 37,497
7 Southside 46 40 43 24,818
8 Valley 38 36 38 11,450

thumbnail for Westcott Community CenterA neighborhood institution, the Wescott Community Center provides a safe, accessible community space for activities and programs that meet community needs.

on Westcott Community Center

41 Transit Score of Syracuse, NY

Syracuse has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Syracuse apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Syracuse has some public transportation and about 31 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Syracuse on public transit.

48 Bike Score of Syracuse, NY

Syracuse is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Genesee Grande Hotel in Syracuse

Genesee Grande Hotel

Photo of George Fowler High School in Syracuse

George Fowler High School

Photo of Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center in Syracuse

Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center

Photo of Museum of Science & Technology in Syracuse

Museum of Science & Technology

Photo of Concord Pl in Syracuse

Concord Pl

Photo of Graby's Mini Mart in Syracuse

Graby's Mini Mart

thumbnail for Polish Veterans MemorialThe Polish Veterans Memorial, across the street from the Basilica, remembers those of Polish ancestry who died serving the U.S. in wars abroad.

on Polish Veterans Memorial

Photo of Euclid Ave in Syracuse

Euclid Ave

Photo of Syracuse University: Hall of Languages in Syracuse

Syracuse University: Hall of Languages

Photo of Syracuse University: Hall of Languages in Syracuse

Syracuse University: Hall of Languages

Photo of University Ave in Syracuse

University Ave

thumbnail for Genesee Grande HotelThis locally owned hotel features a conference center and bar, and is located within walking distance to several fine restaurants and nightlife options.

on Genesee Grande Hotel

Syracuse is Talking About...

party school eat food movie drink walking playing god beer coffee cuse mall carrier dome destiny usa sleep syracuse university class job car

Syracuse is all about:

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Photo of Marshall St in Syracuse

Marshall St

Photo of Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital in Syracuse

Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital

Photo of Harry's Bar in Syracuse

Harry's Bar

thumbnail for George Fowler High SchoolFowler High School is the local school for students living in Syracuse's far-westside neighborhoods. The school is located on land that formerly housed many factories and was the center of industrial Syracuse in the 1920s through the 1950s.

on George Fowler High School

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