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Living in Northside Syracuse

Northside is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Syracuse with 36,228 residents.

Northside has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Downtown, Lakefront, Eastwood, Westside, Eastside, Southside and Valley.

Nearby Northside Apartments on Redfin

69 Walk Score of Northside, Syracuse, NY

Northside is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Industrial Color Labs in Northside, Syracuse

Industrial Color Labs

Photo of James Crest Manor in Northside, Syracuse

James Crest Manor

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Northside Syracuse.

Northside is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Syracuse with a Walk Score of 69.

Find apartments in Syracuse's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Northside and Westside.

Northside Syracuse Apartments for Rent

Northside Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Northside to other Syracuse neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 86 59 70 2,101
2 Northside 69 40 50 36,228
3 Westside 64 40 54 17,792
4 Lakefront 63 45 50 573

thumbnail for Industrial Color LabsIndustrial Color Labs is a great place for photographers to have prints made, and digital transfers from old video formats. A locally run business that fills a much-needed demand in the artistic community. #nearnortheast

on Industrial Color Labs

40 Transit Score of Northside, Syracuse, NY

Northside has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Northside Syracuse apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Northside has some public transportation and about 8 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Northside on public transit.

50 Bike Score of Northside, Syracuse, NY

Northside is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of WSTM in Northside, Syracuse


Photo of De Julio's Army & Navy Store in Northside, Syracuse

De Julio's Army & Navy Store

Photo of Ra-Lin Discount in Northside, Syracuse

Ra-Lin Discount

Photo of Chestnut Crossing Apartment Homes in Northside, Syracuse

Chestnut Crossing Apartment Homes

Photo of Regional Dialysis Center in Northside, Syracuse

Regional Dialysis Center

Photo of Columbus Baking Co. in Northside, Syracuse

Columbus Baking Co.

thumbnail for James Crest ManorThe James Street corridor features a number of affordable apartment units that are professionally managed, and close to public transportation.

on James Crest Manor

thumbnail for WSTMCNYCentral is the combined local NBC and CBS affiliates, broadcasting on channels 3 and 5 respectively. James Street is a popular location for local media outlets, and Galaxy Communications has a number of radio station offices nearby.


Photo of TLC Ambulance Services in Northside, Syracuse

TLC Ambulance Services

Photo of View down Elm Street. in Northside, Syracuse

View down Elm Street.

Photo of Bryant & Stratton College in Northside, Syracuse

Bryant & Stratton College

thumbnail for Regional Dialysis CenterPart of the nearby St. Joseph's Hospital and Healthcare Center, the regional dialysis center provides skilled dialysis care to the Syracuse community. #nearnortheast

on Regional Dialysis Center

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