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Living in Eastwood Syracuse

Eastwood is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Syracuse with 14,151 residents.

Eastwood has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Eastside, Northside, Downtown, Lakefront, Southside, Westside and Valley.

Nearby Eastwood Apartments on Redfin

62 Walk Score of Eastwood, Syracuse, NY

Eastwood is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Bill Rapp Superstore in Eastwood, Syracuse

Bill Rapp Superstore

Photo of James Flowers in Eastwood, Syracuse

James Flowers

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Eastwood Syracuse.

Eastwood is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Syracuse with a Walk Score of 62.

Find apartments in Syracuse's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Northside and Westside.

Eastwood Syracuse Apartments for Rent

Eastwood Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Eastwood to other Syracuse neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


3 Westside 64 40 54 17,792
4 Lakefront 63 45 50 573
5 Eastwood 62 37 45 14,151
6 Eastside 52 46 52 37,497
7 Southside 46 40 43 24,818

thumbnail for Bill Rapp SuperstoreBill Rapp's auto dealerships mark the eastern border of the Eastwood community, on both sides of Burnet Avenue at Thompson Road. Rapp is a local dealer offering GMC, Subaru and Nissan autos.

on Bill Rapp Superstore

37 Transit Score of Eastwood, Syracuse, NY

Eastwood has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Eastwood Syracuse apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Eastwood has some public transportation and about 6 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Eastwood on public transit.

45 Bike Score of Eastwood, Syracuse, NY

Eastwood is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Transfiguration Church in Eastwood, Syracuse

Transfiguration Church

Photo of Eastwood in Eastwood, Syracuse


Photo of Martineau Park in Eastwood, Syracuse

Martineau Park

Photo of Henninger High School in Eastwood, Syracuse

Henninger High School

Photo of Henninger High School in Eastwood, Syracuse

Henninger High School

Photo of Casa Di Copani in Eastwood, Syracuse

Casa Di Copani

thumbnail for James FlowersA convenient Eastwood alternative to the flower sections in the nearby chain grocery stores, James Flowers offers a full selection of floral services with local community know-how.

on James Flowers

thumbnail for Pappy's Ice Cream CornerGreat locally owned and run ice cream shop serving shakes, floats, sundaes and cones. Open during the summer months only.

on Pappy's Ice Cream Corner

thumbnail for Transfiguration ChurchThe grounds of Transfiguration Parish have a park-like feel, and the front of the church features ornately decorated doors.

on Transfiguration Church

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