Walk Score Professional

« Travel Time API Overview

Use the Travel Time HTTP API to make server-side requests for travel times between an origin and a set of destinations.

Sample Code

Calls to the Travel Time HTTP API must be made from a server-side script. View sample code.

To make client-side requests, see the Travel Time JavaScript API.

Calling the Travel Time API

The API accepts GET and POST requests at https://api2.walkscore.com/api/v1/traveltime/json and returns a set of routing times from the specified origin to the specified destinations.


To get the walk time from origin (47.649677,-122.357569) to two destinations (47.646757,-122.361152) and (47.6517,-122.3545), make the following call:


The Travel Time API will return the following:

  "status": "OK",
  "response": {
    "results": [
        "origin": "47.649677,-122.357569",
        "mode": "walk",
        "travel_times": [
            "seconds": 390,
            "destination": "47.646757,-122.361152"
            "seconds": 1151,
            "destination": "47.6517,-122.3545"

The Travel Time API takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
mode 'walk', 'bike', 'drive', or 'transit'. Yes
origin Comma-separated lat,lng. Yes
destination Comma-separated lat,lng. Can include multiple (repeat "destination=" as in the example above). Yes
wsapikey Your Walk Score API Key. Contact us to get one. Yes
congestion Any non-empty value causes 'drive' times to be calculated as if it were peak rush hour. No

The Travel Time API returns a JSON response containing:

Result Description
status Status code (string, see below).
error May be present if 'status' is not 'OK'.
Contains details about the error, such as expected data type for invalid parameter values.
response An array of objects with the following properties (only present if status is 'OK').
originString echoed from input (comma separated lat,lng).
modeString echoed from input (i.e. 'walk').
travel_timesAn array of objects with the following properties:
destinationString echoed from input.
secondsInteger (present only if routable).
unroutableBoolean (present only if not routable).

The travel time API can only route trips taking less than 60 minutes. Longer trips will report as "unroutable".

Travel Time Polygon API

An API that generates a polygon showing the 'commute shed' from a given point for any mode of transit.


To get the polygon for 'commute shed' from origin (47.649677,-122.357569) by transit in 60 minutes, make the following call:


The Travel Time Polygon API will return the following:

  "status": "OK",
  "response": {
    "origin": "47.6062095,-122.3320708",
    "geometry": {
      "type": "MultiPolygon",
      "coordinates": [
          [ etc. ],
  "mode": "transit",
  "precision": 3,
  "time": 60

The Travel Time Polygon API accepts GET and POST requests at https://api2.walkscore.com/api/v1/traveltime_polygon/json.

The Travel Time Polygon API takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
wsid/wsapikey One or the other is required. Yes
origin Comma-separated lat,lng. Yes
mode 'walk', 'bike', 'drive', or 'transit'. Yes
time In minutes, up to 60. Yes
congestion Any non-empty value causes 'drive' times to be calculated as if it were peak rush hour. No
precision 1 to 5. Defaults to 3. Higher value will result in a bigger (slower) response. No

The Travel Time Polygon API returns a JSON response containing:

Result Description
status Status code (string, see below).
error May be present if 'status' is not 'OK'.
Contains details about the error, such as expected data type for invalid parameter values.
response An array of objects with the following properties (only present if status is 'OK').
originString echoed from input (comma separated lat,lng).
modeString echoed from input (i.e. 'walk').
timeInteger echoed from input (i.e. 30).
precisionInteger echoed from input, or default (i.e. 3).
geometry GeoJSON MultiPolygon object. Note that the constituent Polygon objects may contain multiple rings, where the first element of coordinates is the exterior ring, and subsequent elements are interior rings (i.e. holes in the polygon). The coordinates for exterior polygon rings are in clockwise order, and interior ring coordinates are in counterclockwise order.

Status codes and HTTP Responses

Status responses for both the Travel Time HTTP API and the Travel Time Polygon API.

HTTP Response Status code (string sent as 'status' in API response)

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